Speaking of honey seem familiar. Honey bees are the results of flower essence. Pure honey efficacious for health and beauty. Honey is one type of sweetener, but also has its antiseptic and a mild laxative effect.
Honey also contains many minerals that the body needs to maintain the viability and health. Minerals in honey include iron, copper, silicon, chlorine, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, aluminum, and magnesium.Mineral
content of honey varies, depending on the sources of the mineral soil
where the growing of flowers is sucked by the bees to be made into
Honey can be consumed by anyone, both young and old, even the under-fives (under five years). It should be remembered, a good honey is pure honey.
contained in honey, among other things: water, levolusa (d-fructose),
dextrose (d-glucose), sucrose, dextrin, protein, acid-acid tumbuham,
minerals salts, gums, resins, debunga, high vitamin C and contain all the vitamins your body needs. Besides also rich in minerals such as iron, copper, Silico, chlorine, calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and aluminum.
for health benefits, is, lung disorders, peptic ulcers, high blood
pressure, improve intelligence, abdominal pain, coughs, colds, aching
rheumatic pain, lumbago, stiff neck, arthritis, calcification,
constipation, facilitate urination, nourish hair, headaches and increased staminaUse of honey can be combined with natural ingredients, such as mushrooms, boiled water or by blended or juice.
Honey can be used as a medicine for gastric ulcers. The
trick, take 60 grams of dried mandarin orange peel boiled with 400 cc
to 200 cc left and then filtered, added 60 cc of honey, stir and drink
1-2 times a day.
lower high blood pressure, use 50 grams of sesame seeds boiled with 200
cc of water until boiling and then removed and filtered and then enter
the 60 cc of honey, then drink. Apply 2 times a day.
is also good to deal with back pain, use 30 grams and 25 grams of
leaves of chives sliced ginger then blended, add 60 cc of honey, stir
and drink. Apply 2 times a day.To overcome indigestion can use a quarter of a lemon, 9 pieces cut strawberries and juiced. Add 60 cc of honey, stir and drink 2 times a day.
is also good for improving stamina, take 20 grams of lotus seeds that
have been soaked until soft, 20 grams of white pumpkins that have been
cut into pieces, 60 cc of honey and then boiled with 500 cc of water to
the remaining 250 cc, then drink while warm, lotus seeds eaten .
treat a cough to use 30 grams of corn, 25 grams of fresh leaves
whiskers, 20 grams of fresh leaves spoon boiled with 600 cc of water
until the remaining 300 cc. Strain and add honey and drink 60 cc.Pure honey can be used for health by regularly consuming a minimum of 1 tablespoon per day.
[Prof. HM Hembing Wijayakusuma, experttraditional medicine and acupuncture;Chairman of the Association of traditional healers &Acupuncture as Indonesia (Hiptri)]
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